What We Do

Our Mission

The Villages CDC promotes growth that represents, protects, respects and enriches our existing community.

Our Vision

We are advocates and an information resource to our stakeholders. We represent the full spectrum of our diverse neighborhoods, celebrating our uniqueness while promoting unity among our neighborhoods. We reflect the values of the community to developers and the city, and communicate opportunities for development back to the community.

Our Values

Access & Inclusion

We believe community members should have clear, understandable information about growth opportunities and ways to influence our future. We make complex policy information accessible and create opportunities for civic participation by informing the community about ways to engage in policy-making and enforcement processes.


We aim to foster a community that reflects our diverse mix of socioeconomic and demographic backgrounds. We actively include all groups in our activities and oversight structure to protect and expand this diversity.


We believe in growth that sustains our community and enhances everyone’s quality of life. We promote growth that supports residents and improves quality of life without displacement.

Community Involvement

We believe the existing community must play a role in shaping the future of our neighborhoods. We provide clear information and gather community input on decisions that impact our future.

Shared Responsibility

We create opportunities for community members to understand growth opportunities and threats to our way of life, and to weigh in on decisions that affect both. It is also the responsibility of community members to engage in these opportunities and take ownership of our collective future.

Our Goals: 2025

Events & Engagement




Strategic Focus #1: Events & Engagement

Promote Strong Cross Neighborhood Connections

Support Neighborhood Associations

Branding and Presence

Strategic Focus #2: Housing

Keep It In the Family

Support of Existing Clients

Affordable Housing Development

Housing Policy Advocacy

Strategic Focus #3: Neighborhoods

Support Neighborhood Association Improvement Goals

DWSD Capital Plan

Broadband Assessment and Strategy

Advocate DTE Policy

Support Small Business

Strategic Focus #4: Streets

Traffic Calming

One Way Street Conversions

Truck Route Policy

